NOAH Menschen 본문


NOAH Menschen

C.K.J 2015. 2. 27. 15:03

The fine art of exterminating an entire species.
Rhinos have survived predators, climate change and disease for 50 million years. But it's Asia's soaring demand for rhino horn that will doom them: every 14 hours a rhino is killed. Help us save the last rhinos.

Advertising Agency: Grabarz & Partner, Hamburg, Germany
Creative Director / Chief Creative Officer: Ralf Heuel
Creative Directors: André Price, Jan-Florian Ege
Art Director: André Price
Copywriter: Ralf Heuel, Jan-Florian Ege
Photographer: Alexander von Reiswitz / EXPOSE Photographers
Account Supervisor: Biljana Retzlik
Graphic artist: Yasemin Boyraz
Art Buying: Indra Hohns
Post Production: GLOSS Postproduction GmbH
Producer: Christian Mai
3D Artist/ Designer: Christian Völkner
Retouchers: Tommy Szewczuk, Edwin Immel
Published: December 2014
